Sarah’s Struggle with Peer Pressure

Sarah, a 15-year-old high school student known for being responsible, finds herself at a party with her best friend Lila and a new group of friends who pressure her to vape. Lila, who has started experimenting with vaping and marijuana, urges Sarah to join in, calling her a “buzzkill” for hesitating. Surrounded by peers and feeling the weight of their judgment, Sarah is torn between wanting to fit in and her own values, including her parents' trust in her to make smart decisions. As the group waits for her to act, Sarah holds the vape in her hand, unsure of what to do.

Sarah is a 15-year-old high school sophomore who has always been known as the responsible, “good girl” in her group of friends. She gets good grades, participates in extracurriculars, and rarely steps out of line. But lately, Sarah has been feeling left out. Her best friend, Lila, has started hanging out with a new crowd, a mix of popular kids who are known for partying. Lila has started vaping and even tried marijuana a few times, and she’s eager for Sarah to join in so they can “experience it together.”

One Friday night, Sarah and Lila are hanging out with a few of these new friends at a house party. The lights are dim, the music is loud, and everyone seems carefree. When Lila pulls out a vape and passes it to Sarah, she’s hesitant. She knows vaping isn’t good for her health, but Lila keeps nudging her, whispering, “Come on, it’s not a big deal. Don’t be such a buzzkill.” Some of the others at the party are watching, and Sarah feels her stomach churn with anxiety. She doesn't want to seem like a coward or a goody-two-shoes in front of her peers. She says, 

“Am I being a wimp for not Juuling or doing this kind of stuff? I've been offered before but always declined. My fear is getting addicted and not being able to quit. Maybe I’m overreacting.”

As the pressure mounts, Sarah’s phone buzzes with a message from her parents, asking how the party’s going. She’s reminded of their trust in her and the open conversations they’ve had about making smart choices. But the sound of Lila laughing, along with the feeling of being on the edge of her social circle, makes Sarah doubt her instincts. She wants to fit in and be seen as part of the group, but she also doesn’t want to disappoint herself—or her family.

The vape is still in her hand. Everyone is waiting for her to decide. What should Sarah do?

This dilemma is inspired by the following sources: