Deciding Between Colleges

Sophia, a high school senior, is torn between two very different college options: Ridgeview University, a large, prestigious school her parents favor for its career opportunities, and Greenfield College, a smaller liberal arts school where she feels she would thrive in a close-knit, supportive environment. While Sophia’s parents push her toward Ridgeview and even threaten to withhold financial support if she chooses otherwise, she’s drawn to Greenfield’s scholarship offer and the chance for a more personalized education. As decision day approaches, Sophia faces a difficult choice between following her parents' wishes for stability and prestige or pursuing her own vision of a fulfilling college experience at Greenfield.

Background: Sophia is a 17-year-old senior who has worked tirelessly throughout high school to build a strong academic record, volunteer portfolio, and extracurriculars. She has been accepted into two very different colleges: Ridgeview University, a large, research-driven school in a bustling city, and Greenfield College, a small, intimate liberal arts school in a peaceful, rural town. Her parents, who both attended prestigious, large universities, are strongly pushing her toward Ridgeview because of its reputation and vast opportunities for internships and networking. They’ve expressed concerns that Greenfield won’t offer enough “real-world experience” or connections to high-paying jobs post-graduation.

Sophia, however, is drawn to the close-knit community of Greenfield, where she imagines she’ll have more one-on-one time with professors and feel less overwhelmed by the competitive atmosphere she senses at Ridgeview. She values the idea of studying broadly in different disciplines before narrowing her focus. Additionally, several friends from her high school have also chosen Ridgeview, adding to her pressure to conform to their path, even though she doesn’t feel as confident that it’s the right fit for her.

As decision day looms, Sophia finds herself increasingly torn between her parents' expectations and her own growing desire to carve out an experience that feels true to her personality and academic goals. Her parents have even gone as far as to say they’ll only help with tuition if she picks Ridgeview, while Sophia is contemplating the emotional and financial strain of possibly defying them and choosing Greenfield, which offers a more generous scholarship. She says:

“I got accepted to Greenfield in January on the assumption that I would attend this fall. My parents were happy for me... at first since they were aware of the school's prestige and how amazing it was that I got into one of their top programs. but, they want me to attend Ridgeview since they both went there. My parents recently talked to me about it and they expressed how worried they are over me attending Greenfield since it is a small school and not as prestigious as Ridgeview. They both told me that they wanted to have a discussion with me in a few weeks since decision day is creeping up soon. They are really worried about what I am going to do, but I really do not want to attend Ridgeview. I did really well in high school, and I want to explore with my extracurriculars. I have been pretty independent with my college application process and future planning and I really want to live a life away from my family. I love them a lot, but I don't really want to compromise my decision. idk what to do.”

Should Sophia sacrifice her dream of a smaller, more personalized education to maintain her family's financial support and approval? Or should she take a risk, knowing that choosing Greenfield could cost her more than just money?