Are You Practicing “Time Well Spent”?

by Danny Mucinskas, researcher at The Good Project

In 1682, William Penn, founder of the colony of Pennsylvania, wrote, “Time is what we want most, but what, alas! we use worst.”

Penn’s words still ring true today, as little with respect to our use of time seems to have changed in the past several hundred years. For many of us, life is very busy, and there never seem to be enough hours in a day to accomplish everything we want to achieve. We are therefore constantly making judgments and tough choices (or avoiding them) as we weigh options for how we will spend our time to reach our goals and find fulfillment.

Numerous sources confirm that time is a precious commodity: surveys from Pew show that half of Americans feel that they are always trying to do two things at once, while Deloitte reports (perhaps contradictorily) that almost two-thirds of time in a typical weekday is spent just on sleep, work, and watching TV. Allocating time is not just a matter of having more of it, though: as discussed in The Atlantic, there is a fine balance between enjoying free time and having too much of it (which can feel unproductive, lack meaning, and give rise to feelings of purposelessness).

Especially in the unprecedented shutdowns of the COVID pandemic, our relationship with time and productivity is even more fraught. Distinctions between weekends and weekdays, or between “work time” and personal time, are blurred for individuals now working from home. For those considered “essential workers,” time spent on the job may come with a new sense of danger with each passing minute and interaction with others. Families stuck at home together might feel that time is passing agonizingly slowly; those who have lost loved ones to the virus feel that time together was all too short.

The Good Project’s own research into the nature of how individuals define “quality” also found a strong relationship to time: Several thousand participants across seven countries often spoke about “quality time” or “time well spent,” wanting to ensure that their day-to-day experiences were worthwhile.

Amidst the constant hum of daily tasks on our plates, opportunities to step back and reflect are rare, but it is important to ask oneself: Am I spending my time in a rewarding way?

We developed a short activity to guide people through a process of reflecting on how time is spent in a typical week and how that breakdown of time relates (or may not relate) to one’s most important values. This activity has been used in numerous workshops with students and practicing professionals alike. It is a simple and powerful way to focus on the connections and disconnections between what is important to us and how we allocate time.

Watch the video below and try it out yourself! We hope that this exercise will help you set aside time for what matters to you right now—whether that be learning a new skill, playing a game with your children, or achieving a personal or professional milestone.

Link here:

After you complete the activity, consider the following questions:

  • Why do my top values matter most to me?

  • Do my values match how I am allocating my time? If so, how? If not, why not? Are my activities “time well spent”?

  • How can I make life choices that will allow the way I spend my time to better reflect what I most value? How will these decisions affect me and others in my life?

If you enjoyed this activity, consider also trying our Value Sort, another way to consider and weigh your most important values.

The Two Facets of Joel Kupperman (1936-2020)

by Howard Gardner

We were having breakfast at the kitchen table and my wife Ellen said “This obituary in the New York Times will interest you.” Indeed, it did!

Ellen had not heard of Joel Kupperman (age 83, died on April 8, 2020, in an assisted living facility in Brooklyn, probably of COVID19).  But I immediately recognized his name and remembered some biographical facts.

When I was young, a much discussed show—first on radio, then on television—was “The Quiz Kids.” Every week, a panel of children heard a series of short answer questions and the kids competed to answer first and answer correctly.  Joel was one of the indisputable stars—his hands shot up quickly, his answers most often correct.  And so—at least for those of us who thought of ourselves as ‘brains’—-this was a mark of distinction: one that easily competed with the accolades for baseball players like Mickey Mantle or Willie Mays, or with matinee idols like John Wayne or Doris Day.

As related in various books and articles (and in a famous movie Quiz Show), life after this form of youthful celebrity was not easy.  For response-whiz Joel Kupperman, it was particularly challenging and painful—so much so that if the “Quiz Kids” program was even mentioned in conversation, he would leave the room. And he forbade discussion of his own childhood with his children and even, apparently, blocked out many of its details.

Post his “minutes of fame,” Kupperman went to the University of Chicago at age 16, where he was apparently bullied.  He subsequently received  a doctorate in philosophy at the University of Cambridge and taught philosophy for fifty years at the University of Connecticut.  In 1964 he married an historian Karen Ordahl (Kupperman), who teaches at New York University.  His wife and two children (son Michael and daughter Charlie) survive him.

But what piqued Ellen and my interest were two portions of the obituary—both of which happen to connect to my own preoccupations and my own research over the decades.     One was Kupperman’s views of intellect:  “There’s this weird notion that intelligence is a single thing, but people can be smart in some ways and stupid in others.”  I have no idea whether Kupperman knew about work on different kinds of intelligence—including the “theory of multiple intelligences”—but he certainly grasped the concept.

The second strand was Kupperman’s area of philosophical inquiry—ethics.  Two individuals interviewed for the obituary convey Kupperman’s personal perspective:

Duke university philosopher David Wong:  “Joel’s work assists us in our individual and collective endeavors to live a good life by articulation of much good advice and well-taken cautions.”

Daughter Charlie: “He started out writing about pure ethics, but as his career went on, he was trying to understand character, and why it’s so hard for people to be good… he talked a lot about the meaning of life and how to be a good person and what happens after you die. I remember him telling me that when you die, it like unplugging a radio. There’s a glow that remains.”

Though we did not know each other, and our lives took quite different courses, it fascinates me that Joel’s life encompassed  two issues that have come to dominate my own thinking for decades:  the multiplicity of intelligences and the search for a good life.  Recently, I have sought to tie these lines of work together in this blog post.

The Good Project and COVID-19

by Howard Gardner, Shelby Clark, and Kirsten McHugh

At this time—unprecedented for almost everyone—it is important for those of us who have so far remained healthy to consider what we might do that is constructive for others. And for those of us who curate this website, the following question arises and looms large: After over two decades of research, can The Good Project offer anything that might address current challenges?  To be sure, in no way can we be as timely and as helpful as researchers who are investigating the disease and/or attempting to find a treatment or vaccine. But we believe that the conceptual toolkit that we have created might be helpful.

On the project we speak about the ethics of roles—the thoughts and behaviors that are appropriate for the role of ‘professional’ or ‘worker’ as well as for the role of citizen.

Take the role of scientific researcher: We believe that the researcher should be well informed—or excellent; given the stakes, we assume that the researcher would be deeply engaged. But it is crucial as well that the researcher be ethical—continuously pondering what’s the better course of action in the current environment.

To list just two issues:

  1. Should preliminary promising results be published and promulgated, or should one hold back until proper analyses have been carried out and necessary controls have been implemented?

  2. Should one share all of one’s findings with other research laboratories, including ones with which one usually competes; or should one hold back, so that the credit (or the blame) remains squarely within one’s own laboratory?

Turn, next, to the role of citizen—for convenience, let’s assume that you are a citizen of the United States. We hope that you know and obey the laws that govern our form of government. We hope that you also are engaged as a citizen—keeping up with the news, discussing what you are learning, writing letters, voting, perhaps volunteering to help with ongoing restorative efforts in your community. But it’s also important that you confront the ethical dilemmas of a citizen:

For example, should you support efforts to vote by absentee ballot (safe but open to tampering or delays); or, instead, should you push for voting that can occur in a neighborhood but without risking the health of anyone else in the precinct?

In thinking about these issues, it is also useful to consider what we have termed the rings of responsibility. As you ponder “to whom or what do you feel responsible,” try to think beyond yourself and your family. In addition, consider more broadly your trade, the community in which you live, and even the broader geographic regions of our planet.

In addition to the ethics of roles, COVID also raises issues of neighborly morality—the range of situations addressed in the Ten Commandments and in the Golden Rule. We have all observed individuals who wear face masks and maintain social distance, as well as individuals who flaunt one or both of these norms. One does not require professional training or courses in citizenship to understand that by such flaunting, one is putting at risk not only oneself but also all those with whom one comes in contact. Not only does a mask-less mien violate the Golden Rule—it foregrounds particular disrespect to those who are older or have medical conditions and, accordingly, are more vulnerable.

Returning to the area of work, we raise one more timely issue. In our professional roles, each of us faces a personal dilemma: Should we devote all of our efforts to addressing the challenges posed by COVID19? Should we, instead, continue doing our customary work as best we can—noting that our ability to draw on our expertise in this situation is strictly limited? Or should we try to strike some kind of balance?

In recent Good Project blogs. we have taken up these questions and tensions. For example, in “The Financial Fallout of COVID-19: Business as Usual?" our colleague Daniel Mucinskas takes up the tension between a local Boston tenant who has lost his job due to COVID-19 and who has appealed to his apartment landlord for an extension on his rent. In this case, the landlord has to consider both his ethics of roles as a landlord, but also his role as a citizen during these difficult pandemic times.

In another COVID19-related blog entitled, “Remotely Polite and Professional,” Kirsten McHugh discussed how communicating online via Zoom can raise new ethical dilemmas. This blog describes how private chat transcripts between two other colleagues were released after a Zoom call. The transcripts reveal that a woman’s colleagues had ridiculed her weight. The woman then must pit consideration of neighborly morality versus the ethics of roles. To be specific,  she debates whether to approach her colleagues directly about their insensitivity—or instead to put her professional ethics first and report her colleagues directly to the relevant officer of HR (Human Resources). Such situations highlight how the “new normal” of COVID can foreground issues of neighborly morality, ethics of roles, and the role of a citizen.

On The Good Project, we regularly employ a tool—the 5Ds—designed to help individuals or teams determine which course of action to follow. When faced with a difficult decision, we work as a team to:

  1. Define the Dilemma: Through conversation (over email, in person, or remote), we explain the overview of the situation and what we currently see as the possible options.

  2. Discuss the Dilemma: In as much detail as possible, group members consider alternative viewpoints and scenarios.

  3. Debate the Dilemma: We think through the pros and cons of each course of action, including whatever new options emerge. We each try to determine the optimal approach.

  4. Deciding: We make a final decision on the best next steps, considering all we have discussed.

  5.   Debriefing: No matter what the outcome, after a reasonable amount of time has played out and events unfold following out decision and action, we re-examine our process. We reflect on what we did right and what we could have done better. This step is key in making better decisions in the future.

Once one uses the 5Ds regularly, it becomes second nature to apply this procedure to matters big and small. As an example, we recently heard from a publisher interested in using our materials but concerned about a decades-old funder listed in the acknowledgements of the original work. First, a team member flagged the email and request as a matter that should be considered carefully and shared the communication with the rest of the team. Second, the group met online to discuss the problem space and what we saw as possible next steps. Third, we debated the merits and downfalls of each available option, trying our best to think of any short- and long-term repercussions (both positive and negative). Should we delete the funders name, leave the document “as is”, add an explanation of our termination of the funding relationship, or is there some other alternative scenario? Next, we came back together as a group and agreed upon the appropriate course of action. We reached out to the requester with our final decision. Ultimately, once enough time has passed, we will revisit this scenario and examine how our decisions played out—good or bad.

This is but one recent example—the 5Ds can be applied to any of the dilemmas outlined here.

In Howard’s case as a teacher, researcher, and writer in psychology and education, his own capacity to address COVID is limited; also, as an individual in the second half of his eighth decade, he is more vulnerable to the life-threatening aspects of the disease than most of his colleagues and most other citizens. That said, Howard is redoubling his efforts to carry out his own work in as excellent, engaging, and ethical a way as possible And whenever he feels that he can be helpful to anyone who comes across his path—by mail, over the phone, or in the course of carrying out their challenging responsibilities —he makes an extra effort to serve, and serve well.

Howard Gardner is the long-time senior director of The Good Project. Shelby Clark and Kirsten McHugh are project managers at Harvard Project Zero.

Remotely Polite and Professional

by Kirsten McHugh, The Good Project researcher

A person’s hands are shown hovering over a laptop computer set on a desk. A paper coffee cup sits in teh background

The word “Zoom” has a different connotation today than it did three months ago. Rather than “zooming” around bustling cities in cars and on public transport, many of us are constantly logging into the Zoom platform for meetings, classes, and conversations. Most of the time, the process works just fine, but there are times when the learning curve of online face-to-face interaction is disrupted. Audio gets stuck on mute, video share buttons are accidentally shut off. The human element is also highlighted in these moments. Children pop in and out of conference calls and journalists forget to pair trousers with their suit coats.   

Privacy and security is yet another layer of complication surrounding the platform (an ethics blog for another day!). Companies have quickly acted to encourage users to protect their communications with passwords and install much needed patches to their Zoom applications.

However, what do you do, when it isn’t some nefarious outside hacker or a technical glitch that you have to worry about, but rather, once trusted coworkers?

In a recent Dear Prudence post in Slate Magazine, an anonymous writer describes how she unwittingly discovered a private conversation between two participants which took place through Zoom during the meeting. After receiving the transcript from the call with her coworkers, the writer found that two female colleagues had a side chat mocking her weight; it was all there in black and white for the writer to painfully examine. Embarrassed for herself and the two modern day mean girls, the writer asks Dear Prudence whether she should keep the matter a secret, or speak to her HR department.

This situation brings to the forefront issues of both neighborly morality and the ethics of roles. Howard Gardner introduces these two concepts in a 2012 New York Times blog. The simple explanation:  

Neighborly morality relates to how you show kindness and respect to those in your immediate social circles. (Gardner often relates neighborly morality to The Golden Rule or The Ten Commandments.) Included are the kinds of prosocial behaviors which we try to imbue in our children and which tend to flow easily in daily interactions.

In contrast, ethics of roles refers the standards and regulations expected of those acting in a professional capacity. Gardner illustrates this concept by linking it to the Hippocratic Oath for those in the medical field, or our expectation that journalists seek the truth and report on facts in a neutral or disinterested manner.

A lot of the discomfort described by the writer comes from the tension between these two ways of viewing her and her colleagues’ choices and behaviors. Neighborly morality was disregarded when Natalie and Lisa engaged in their side chat, tearing the writer down based on a superficial evaluation of her body. Neighborly morality also tugs on the writer’s heart when she considers that going to HR with this information may result in the two women being penalized or even losing their jobs (a high price to pay, particularly in these lean times).

Natalie and Lisa not only disregarded their neighborly morality, but also their ethics of roles. As professionals, they were not fully engaged in the formal meeting and they did not respect their colleague as an equal and valuable member of the team. The writer also must consider the ethics of roles pertinent to her work position. To be specific: while she would rather avoid making this embarrassing situation public, by not bringing it to the attention of her HR department she is allowing unprofessional behavior to go unchecked. She is also not sharing vital information that chats during Zoom are transcribed along with all group notes for the meeting host. This negligence could lead to further issues when Zooming with those outside of their organization.

In the article, Danny Lavery, author of this Dear Prudence article, encourages the writer to bring the matter to HR. The Lavery argues that the rest of the company needs to know what “private” means on Zoom (or any other new technology) and that the writer deserves to expect professional behavior from her co-workers at all times. She is encouraged not to concern herself with the possible repercussions for the two other women. In this way, Lavery argues for the ethics of roles to take precedence over neighborly morality.

I have to agree with Lavery. To be sure, speaking up might seem harder than repressing the incident in the short-term, but in the long term it will keep this wound from festering and perhaps growing into an even larger problem.

Have you ever been in a situation such as this? In pondering and arriving at a decision when faced tough dilemma, how did you decide how best to respond? Do you tend to lean on the tenants of neighborly morality, or do you look to the ethics of roles?

April Wrap Up: What We're Reading

Here at the Good Project, we have been zooming, emailing, and Google Doc sharing our way through the first month of this “new normal.” Between research and writing, we try to take time to share-out articles and reports with one another related to our own work and the work of partners and colleagues in the field. 

Here are five reads you might enjoy as well: (link in title)

1.  New Report: Character in the Professions: How Virtue Informs Practice

The Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues recently released a new article on character and the professions. The paper examines tensions between following prescribed guidelines (i. e. professional codes of conduct) vs. one’s own autonomous judgments. In making on-the-spot decisions, do professionals fall back on virtue-based or rule-based reasoning? 

2. The Financial Fallout of COVID-19: Business as Usual?

We are all making tough choices about how we can do our part in response to the novel coronavirus. In this blog post, The Good Project’s own Danny Mucinskas reacts to an ethical dilemma many landlords and tenants are facing during these times of uncertainty.

3. Craft a Career That Reflects Your Character

Have you heard the chatter about “job crafting”? Our neighbors from across the river at HBS have been noodling over ways to take the reins of your career in an effort to encourage your best self. 

4.  How Can We Stop Prejudice in a Pandemic?

We’ve all heard the devastating stories of racially motivated attacks during the start of the coronavirus outbreak. The Greater Good Science Center takes their coverage a step further and asks why this happens and what leaders can do to stop prejudice and panic. 

5.  Called to Action

When we self-isolate and practice physical distance, our world can feel like it’s shrinking. How do you remind yourself of whom or what you feel most responsible? Let’s not forget the rings of responsibility that extend beyond our nuclear families. Danielle Allen’s team at Harvard offers strategies and approaches to encourage a civic mindset in students despite the pandemic lock-down. 

What are you reading these days?  Please let us know!  And, on behalf of The Good Project, please stay home, stay safe, and stay well. 

Take care,

Kirsten McHugh