The Good Project on Civics and Citizenship

by Danny Mucinskas

Over the past months, The Good Project team has written a series of blog posts on our views of the meaning of “good citizenship.” All of the posts are available at the links below:

Good Citizenship: A Series - Part 1 (link) (2021)

Good Citizenship: A Series - Part 2 (link) by Lynn Barendsen (2021)

Good Citizenship: A Series - Part 3 (link) (2021)

Good Citizenship: A Series - Part 4 (link) by Shelby Clark (2021)

Good Citizenship: A Series - Part 5 (link) by Danny Mucinskas (2021)

New Resource! The complete Civics Blog Series (link) (2021)

Wrestling with Good Citizenship (link) by Lynn Barendsen (2021)

In writing these essays, we were prompted to look at previous posts and resources on our site through a civic lens. We reviewed previous writings to highlight those that could be helpful in illuminating educational practices related to participatory citizenship in multiple contexts. Additionally, we looked at our dilemmas and activities databases and selected those that would be most conducive to sparking discussion and reflection related to the responsibilities and opportunities of civic action.

Below, we have compiled these materials so that they are accessible to our readers. We encourage you to peruse and use these materials with others in order to spark and guide conversations related to civic issues in your own communities!

Civics Blogs:

(All of the posts above are available in a single feed under the “civics” tag at the link here.)


(All of the dilemmas above are available in a single feed under the “civics” tag at the link here.)


(All of the activities above are available in a single feed under the “civics” tag at the link here.)