New Resource! The complete Civics Blog Series

Good Citizenship: Concluding Note

 In this blog series, The Good Project team has sought to illuminate the relationship between good work and good citizenship.

  • What is Good Citizenship? explains that we have extended the 3 Es of Good Work—excellence, ethics and engagement—to elucidate the concepts of “good citizenship.”

  • Good Person, Good Worker, Good Citizen investigates the distinctions between these various roles, drawing on two key Good Project concepts: neighborly morality and ethics of roles.

  •  5Ds, 3Es and One Good Citizen applies the five “Ds” of Dilemmas (Define, Discuss, Debate, Decide, and Debrief) to analyze a difficult decision faced by a social entrepreneur. We consider her choices and reflect upon what we can surmise about both good work and good citizenship.

  •  Good Citizenship Through Good Work proposes that these two concepts may in fact coexist. Personal reflection is used to unpack ways in which good citizenship might be achieved through good work.

  •  The Hope of Global Citizenship traces some of the many meanings of citizenship; it describes the increasing importance of a newly developed concept, global citizenship.

 We are delighted to share the series in full, in PDF form. You can access the series by clicking the button below: