Gabbing About Good Teaching: Some Reflections from TikTok

by Shelby Clark

As the COVID-19 pandemic enters its third year, teachers everywhere are feeling overwhelmed and burnt out. We sympathize, want to help, and in our work with educators we’re doing a lot of listening. Some of the questions we all are asking include:

  • What does it take to be a good teacher during a pandemic? 

  • Are teachers able to be engaged, ethical, and excellent during a time of immense pressure, while at the same time encouraging their students to be good workers? 

  • What are the non-negotiables that teachers must focus on with their students this year? What can they let go of in recognition of how difficult this time has been? 

  • What resources and support do teachers need to help them be good workers, and who is best suited to provide this support? What are the roles of administrators, fellow teachers, parents, community members, students, and the government in ensuring success? 

These are some of the questions we would like you to consider as you watch the below videos from a set of teachers who are active on social media. These teachers speak to some of their experiences as educators during the current pandemic and share ideas with insight and humor to give us all a sense of how they are doing their work right now. 

Teacher @socteacher007 discusses how The New York Times may be doing an injustice to teachers and students by writing about children “lagging” behind this year, when today’s students are working in a very different social context to pre-pandemic students. 

@jack.of.all.learning discusses the “burden of labor” for teachers that comes with “identifying a need, articulating a need, and then advocating for that need to be addressed.” He urges administrators and others to take on some of this burden with classroom teachers.

@ms.m_closet, a purveyor of comedic videos for educators, role-plays a staff meeting where she desperately tries to set the boundaries she’d been told by administrators to set at another recent self-care staff meeting. She provides a cheeky take on the need for more time for teachers facing a high workload. 

@drzeisner, a principal educator, describes her thoughts on teacher timetables, noting that, although teachers should work full time, their schedule should ideally include a half-time course load. The other half of teacher time can then be filled with crucial non-academic elements such as mentoring, team teaching, observations, and more. 

What do you think about the ideas represented here? What do you think makes a “good teacher” at this moment in time?

Learn more here (links in titles): 

You Told Us, We Listened: New Video Dilemmas!

In our work with educators, we hear it’s become increasingly difficult to engage students in discussions. In a recent conversation, teachers told us that it might be helpful if there were more video dilemmas available on our website to help spark these conversations. Just in time for 2022, we now have two new video dilemmas [link here] available! 

For those working with The Good Project Lesson Plans [link here], these new dilemmas are drawn from Lesson 1.2, which asks students to use a “See, Think, and Wonder” routine to learn how to differentiate and understand the relationship between “good work” and just “work.”

The first dilemma, “The Meaning of Grades [link here],” explores a Professor of Engineering’s relationship with grade inflation and its impact on his students’ future prospects. The second dilemma, “When in Doubt… Make it Excellent [link here],” tells the story of a high school student who turns around his school’s journalism club’s culture of making things up.  

Take some time to review the dilemmas and try engaging in the See-Think-Wonder routine on your own. 

  • What do you see in these narratives? What do you notice? How do you see these narratives relating to the 3 Es?

  • What do these narratives make you think about? Do they relate at all to your own life? 

  • What do these narratives make you wonder? Do you have unanswered questions?

Video Dilemmas on The Good Project Website

The Good Project Website Video Dilemmas

Thanksgiving Resources

The holiday season is a time of reflection for many.  As we prepare to gather (or not gather) with family and friends, many of us are asking, where are we as compared to where we were last year at this time?  Things certainly aren’t back to “normal,” but for some, the situation is much improved as compared to Thanksgiving 2020.  How we respond to this question is dependent upon so many factors: how we’ve experienced the pandemic, where we are in the country, our financial situation, our political, social and cultural beliefs, and our values.  In many cases, personal perspectives may be different from those of our family and friends, and these differences may indeed come to a head over Thanksgiving dinner.  Some are asking, is it safe (link) to gather?  Others are wondering, how can we reinvent this holiday (link) and honor historical truths?  Meanwhile, still others are wondering how to best budget (link) for the holiday during a time of economic hardship.

With that in mind, we thought we’d share some resources that might help:

  1. Arguments happen. The Better Arguments Project (link) tells us not to avoid them and asserts that “we don’t need fewer arguments, we just need better ones.” Explore their methods here (link).

  2. Perhaps the disagreements have to do with items in the news, and trying to discern facts from fiction. You might try using this (link) thinking routine from our colleagues at Project Zero.

  3. Try one of our Good Project frameworks (like the rings of responsibility (link)) to unpack differences and try to find points of commonality.  For an example, here’s (link) how TGP team member Shelby Clark used an exercise about values (link) in thinking about familial differences at this time last year.  

  4. The Family Dinner Project (link) offers resources, advice, discussion starters and games to help approach the “new normal” of Thanksgiving gatherings.

Are there resources you’ve found especially helpful in facing some of these challenges, either in your classrooms or at your tables?  Share them in the comments below!

Role Model Resources

by The Good Project Team

The Good Project Team recently met with teachers who are implementing our new lesson plans with their students. The teachers we spoke with said their students were struggling with lesson 2.3. 

In this lesson, we ask students to “describe role models, mentors, “anti-mentors” and others who inspire us to varying degrees.” The teachers reported that students had a hard time thinking of someone who inspires them. 

We suggest that teachers urge students to think beyond just people they know--in the lessons we suggest that it could be a role model from fiction, TV, music, and more. But, if your students need some additional role model inspiration, here are some resources to get you started: 

For younger students…


Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls

Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls vol. 2

Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls 100 Real Life Tales of Black Girl Magic 

Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls 100 Immigrant Women Who Changed the World 

Rebel Girls Champions: 25 Tales of Unstoppable Athletes

Women in Science: 50 Fearless Pioneers Who Changed the World

Women in Sports: 50 Fearless Athletes Who Played to Win

50 Real Heroes for Boys: True Stories of Courage, Integrity, Kindness, Empathy, Compassion, and More!

Stories for Boys Who Dare to Be Different: True Tales of Amazing Boys Who Changed the World without Killing Dragons 

Stories for Boys Who Dare to Be Different 2: Even More True Tales of Amazing Boys Who Changed the World

The Good Guys: 50 Heroes Who Changed the World With Kindness

Stories for Kids Who Dare to Be Different: True Tales of Amazing People Who Stood Up and Stood Out


Wonderopolis “Who was…?”

My Hero Stories

Rebel Girls Podcast

For older students…

Google Doodle Subjects

Time Most Influential People

Nobel Prize Laureates   

For a higher-level article to spark more discussion around how different cultures view the idea of “hero” or role model, check out: 

Who Are History's Heroes And Villains? A World Opinion Survey

We hope that you find these resources helpful. Teachers, if you have any additional resources, please feel free to share in the comments below. Also, if you have introduced The Good Project in your classroom, have you encountered any hurdles? If so, please let us know and we will put our best effort into helping you overcome the obstacle!

First Brazilian Conference on Active Learning for K-12 Education

We are pleased to announce that the first Brazilian Conference on Active Learning for K-12 education streamed live on October 11, 2021 . Director Lynn Barendsen gave a talk on Good Work and Good Teaching in 2021 as part of the conference.

You can find the conference in English and Portuguese below:

English version

Portuguese version